- Against a deuce up: Never soft double — you'll get burned too often!
- Against a 5 or 6 up: Always double down (with any A/2 through A/7). This is when the dealer is at her weakest.
- Against a 3 or 4 up: Here it gets tricky. This is where the Rule of Nine comes in. What you do with the Rule of Nine is add together the dealer's up-card (be it a 3 or a 4) with your kicker (the side-card next to your Ace). If the two add up to 9 or more, double down. If they're less, just hit."
당신은 매번 쓴 맛을 볼 것이다.
*딜러의 오픈카드가 5나 6일때:이 때는 딜러가 버스트되기 쉬우므로 늘 더블다운 한다.( 단 플레이어가 쥔 카드가 A,2~A,7 일 경우 )*딜러의 오픈카드가 3 또는 4일때:이 때의 초이스는 까다로운 것 같지만 룰 오브 나인 기술을 익히면 쉬워집니다.딜러의 오픈 카드인 3이나 4와 당신이 딜러에게 받은 에이스 옆에 놓인 사이드 카드와의 합이 9이상일때만 더블을 치고 그 이외의경우는 그냥 힛만 하면 됩니다.
So if you have a hand that is Ace-5 and the dealer is showing a 3, what do you do? Rule of Nine says to just hit because 5 and 3 equals 8! But if you have a hand that is Ace-5 and the dealer is showing a four, then you double! Renzey sums up his soft doubling thusly:
EX) *Player Hand:Ace,5
Dealer Hand :3 showing
3+5=8 HIT
*Player Hand : Ace,5
Dealer Hand :4 Showing
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